Welcome to our JOURNAL! Here we unwrap our world of flavours, thoughtfulness and relationships through captivating tales, interviews and stories.

Featuring Mia Maja


I am Mia Maja and I am an entrepreneur that has created business out of helping other entrepreneurs get started. I am the founder of shareable kitchen called the Kitchen Collective and food innovation house and cooperative called Copenhagen Food Space and a founder of Street Food Festival. I am operating from the heart of Copenhagen, in the Meatpacking District. 

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Featuring William Armstrong

There are stories out there that need to be told. I think there are things we can learn from and there are messages in the way we learn about ourselves and the world that we're living in. I'm very inspired by unlocking deeper meaning and finding patterns in the way that we exist out here.


Melanie Founder of Studio Soriano

This week we welcomed Melanie and chatted about fashion industry, upcycling and more (in Danish).

Hvad eller hvem har inspireret dig til at starte Studio Soriano?

Jeg ved ikke, om der var nogen specifik person. Jeg tror de tøj og de produkter, man kunne få, der var upcyclede… der var noget ved æstetikken, som jeg ikke brød mig om. Jeg er meget sporty og har sit andet udtryk og jeg tror det var det, der var brændstoffet. Jeg vil gerne skabe produkter, som vil henvende sig til en ny kundegruppe.  


Morten Sørensen Founder of ISH

We have invited Morten to our brewery and sat down to learn what makes him tick and how does he sees the world around him. 

Copenhagen obviously has a great food scene and I have my personal favorites on all tiers. From a dirty shawarma at Kebabistan on Vesterbro to a fancy dinner at Mielcke & Hurtigkarl in Frederiksberg Have, not to talk about the usual Michelin-venues. Did I mention I love contrasts? The latest amazing food experience I had though was at Pauli in Sydhavnen. Tiny restaurant run by passionate people in a very unassuming part of town. They have set menus where you choose from Sea, Land and Green. Very inclusive and definitely a must try!


Mathilda Nansen Founder of RHODFLOWERS

Hvad ville dit drømmearrangement være at lave blomsterdekorationer til?

Allerede i år, har jeg opnået en hel masse mål og flere end jeg regnet med. Fortiden, er jeg vild med at lave blomster mere rå og cool, mere end fint og sødt. Og derfor drømmer jeg om at få lov at lave nogle store og anderledes opsætninger til musikvideoer, hvor blomster er mere uventet. (Kan være blomster indenfor rapindustrien). Derudover vil det være fedt at lave blomster, for andre blomsterfirmaer i udlandet som motivere mig, eller for inspirerede mennesker i Danmark som Søren Le SchmidtMarie Mark, eller Tessa